VLOG: Key West + Outfit Links
Vlog by JTC Films
Ok so let me just explain real quick why JT and I have been able to go on so many trips lately... JT's dad retired last September and his step-mom Kim landed a new job recently as a Nurse Practitioner with an amazing schedule where she works every other week, so they decided to live it up and plan one trip a month! They have been generous enough to invite us on their trips and we could not be more thankful. We love spending time with them and it has been so fun to explore new places together. So yeah, that explains why we have been all over the state of Florida lately! Our next trip in the books is Longboat Key at the end of September.
Anyways, see below for the links to everything I wore while we were in Key West!
For everywhere we ate in Key West CLICK HERE.
For additional Florida Keys recommendations CLICK HERE.
Sunglasses | Necklace | Scarf Top | Skirt | Bag
Hat | Necklace | Sunglasses | Bikini | Cardigan
Use code LINDSAYC15 for 15% off of your Suavs Shoes!
Sunglasses | Hair Scarf | Necklace | Bikini | Skirt
Sunglasses | Dress | Mask | Shoes
Sunglasses | Necklaces | Crop Top | Purse | Shoes