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Second Trimester Recap

I am officially in the third trimester and honestly feeling better than ever! I am currently 29 weeks and this boy is ACTIVE let me tell you! Sometimes I just stare at my belly in awe. I still can't get over how my body is just knows how to create a human! Baby kicks are definitely my favorite part of pregnancy! Along with not having a period if I'm being completely honest lol.


The second trimester started off with first trimester symptoms- low energy, waves of nausea in the afternoon, and an awful taste in my mouth. You can read more about how I felt in the first trimester here. Those symptoms slowly started to go away around 17-18 weeks.

Between 18-22 weeks is when I started having round ligament pain. My belly felt like it was stretching a lot and it was super uncomfortable. I was also having a hard time mentally adjusting to pregnancy + seeing my body change during this time. When my clothes started getting tighter and I felt like I couldn't find anything flattering to wear it triggered my emotions and I definitely cried a few times over it. I do feel extremely blessed to be pregnant though, its just a wild change to go through!

Right around my 20 weeks anatomy scan I started having pretty severe back pain that got worse when I would move around. I was pretty concerned and scared I was going to feel like this the rest of my pregnancy. My doctor said it was normal and told me to use a heating pad and to take it easy. Luckily the pain only stuck around for a couple weeks and I was feeling great by 22 weeks! I also found out at my anatomy scan that I have placenta previa which means my placenta is covering my cervix and if it doesn't end up moving as my uterus continues to grow (I'm hoping it does) then i'll have to get a C section around 36-37 weeks. I still don't know if it has moved yet but I go back to get it checked the first week in May. It has been such a long wait and I hate not knowing / not being able to talk about a birth plan yet with my doctor. Fingers crossed we get some good news in a few weeks! So far I haven't had any bleeding, but I've been advised to take it easy. If you have also been diagnosed with previa try not to worry! Reading the comments on my Instagram post made me feel so much better, so I definitely recommend scanning through them to ease your mind! Other than that everything looked great with baby boy at the scan! He has been super active in my belly which has been wild to see and feel. JT was able to feel his kicks for the first time around 22 weeks and that was such a sweet moment.

From week 22-now I feel like I have been experiencing the "honeymoon phase" of pregnancy as I've heard people call it. I have definitely been "nesting" the past few weeks since my energy has been up and I've been feeling good. My angel of a mother came over and painted baby boys room, so the guest room to nursery transformation is officially happening! I can't wait to share pictures when we finally set up the crib and changing table! I am still on the hunt for a chair, so if anyone has any recommendations send them my way! It has been a struggle to find a good, comfortable chair that isn't $700+. But yeah, we should have the nursery complete by the beginning of June (I hope) so I will be sure to share pictures in a blog post! In the meantime check out our nursery inspiration if you haven't already!

As for baby boys name...yes, we have one picked out! We are waiting to share his name when he is born though. We do have a couple back ups, just in case we think there's a better fit, but I won't be sharing those either because who knows maybe we will have another boy!! I will share that we both LOVE the name Jack, but our last name is Castner and Jack Castner sounds like jack ass LOL. We couldn't do that to him.

Throughout my pregnancy I've been keeping my body moving by going on daily walks. About 2 months ago JT and I made a point to go on at least 3 walks a day. I feel like this has definitely helped with my mood and keeping extra weight off. All in all I feel like I've had a fairly easy pregnancy and I am so grateful for that. I'm definitely starting to miss wine, and a second cup of coffee some days, but I am getting so excited to see baby boys sweet face in just a couple months!!

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