My BBG Transformation

Wow, ok....I have gone way out of my comfort zone writing this post and I feel very vulnerable right now, but 2020 is about stepping out of my comfort zone! I'd like to preface this post by saying my main goal when starting BBG was not to lose weight, but to tone my body and become stronger, both mentally and physically. Everyone's fitness journey is different, so do what works for you!
A little back story about myself...
Over the years I have struggled with body image. I grew up hating my body because of my scoliosis (my spine is curved and my hips and ribs are uneven- It's not flattering.) No matter how well I eat or how hard I work out it will never change the way I am built and that's always been a hard pill for me to swallow. That being said, because I have a shorter torso and I gain weight in my mid section, I do feel and look better when I eat healthy and workout my core. I am sharing this with you all because sometimes when I post a bikini picture on Instagram I get comments like "body goals", but let me be clear, angles, lighting and diet are key for me. I just want to be transparent with you all. I don't have the "perfect body," but I'm definitely learning to love my body.
Anyways...back to BBG!
Six weeks ago I started the BBG SWEAT Challenge. I have wanted to try BBG since I moved to Florida almost 5 years ago and I finally pulled the trigger with encouragement from a few friends. I have always had a hard time sticking to a workout routine, so I knew I needed something like the SWEAT Challenge to hold me accountable and I am so happy I signed up. This may not seem like a huge transformation to some, but it is so much more than just my physical appearance.
The BBG SWEAT Challenge is part of the SWEAT App which costs $20/month and includes 8 different workout programs. You can learn more about the programs and the app here. I chose the basic BBG "starting out" program. Each week you get a new set of 28 minute workouts- Lower Body, Full Body, Upper Body (optional), 2-3 LISS sessions, an Active Recovery Session and the SWEAT Challenge Ab Burn. This is great for beginners starting their workout journey! The workouts are super easy to follow, not too difficult and minimal equipment. The first day of the challenge I thought the program was going to be too easy and I was going to have to level up, but the next day I was so sore. Clearly I didn't need to level up.
For the most part I eat pretty healthy on a regular basis. My meals mainly include chicken or ground turkey and veggies. Sometimes black beans, sweet potato or rice are included if I'm feeling super hungry! My favorite veggies to prep are broccoli, peppers and onions and I usually just throw everything into a bowl and topped it with some sort of asian sauce (teriyaki, general tsos, sweet and sour, etc). To make sure we eat enough greens we have also been juicing. You can find my go-to juice recipes here.
Overall I have really enjoyed the BBG workouts and being able to workout from home. It has made me feel stronger, toned and accomplished. My energy levels have increased drastically and despite my scoliosis I am feeling more confident with my body than ever before. I have to say the weekly planner within the BBG challenge/SWEAT app really pushed me to complete my goals each week and that was probably the best part of this fitness challenge/app! The progress I have made in the past 6 weeks has been extremely motivating and now I'm so excited to try the PWR At Home program next! Thank you to those who encouraged and supported me throughout the challenge! It has helped more than you know!
If you're thinking about trying out BBG or the SWEAT app, DO IT- this is your sign...and let me know so I can send you a 7 day free trial to test it out! If you've already done the challenge before, how did you like it?! Message me on Instagram at @BrunchAndTheBeach!
Now I'm onto the PWR at Home- will report back with my progress!