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Here We Grow Again

Baby Castner number 2 will be joining us this fall!

My due date it October 6th and we're having a GIRL!!!

*See gender reveal photos below*

or the gender reveal video I posted on Instagram *here*

It took me a little bit to warm up to the idea of getting pregnant again...

 JT and I always talked about and liked the idea of having a two year age gap, but when Jett turned one I wasn't feeling ready at all knowing we would have to start trying again soon.

I really loved the time frame I was pregnant with Jett though, so I knew I needed to warm up to the idea soon if I wanted another summer baby.

We started trying in the fall and when I wasn't happening right away is when I really started feeling ready for this next chapter.

I found out early, around 4ish weeks right before my missed period.

I had a blissful 2 weeks of feeling great before getting slapped in the face with nausea and fatigue the day I hit 6 weeks pregnant.

February and March were roughhh.

So much worse this time around than my pregnancy with Jett.

That was my first inkling I was having a girl.

and omg it still doesn't feel real that i'm going to have a daughter!!! I feel so lucky.

OH, also another fun fact and one of my favorite things about this pregnancy is my very best friend is also pregnant and we're due 1 day apart!!!

LIKE WHAT!!! AND we're both having GIRLS!!!

A dream. I can't even believe it.

I wish we lived closer together, but I know regardless of distance our girls will grow up besties like us.

Ok, that post was long overdue for the blog. If you follow me on social media you probably already knew all of this, but it needed to live on the blog forever.

We are so excited for October to be here!!! Stay tuned for all of the beach girlie things.

I am SO excited for a whole new experience ahhh!!

Shout out to the sweetest photographer, Robin, of Sand and Sea Studios for capturing these moments!



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