A Cozy Day at Sweethaven Harvest in Williamsburg, Virginia

A few weeks ago we took a trip back to our hometown for a week to celebrate some of our closest friends. The first weekend was my best friend Rachel's baby shower and the following weekend was my best friends Jenn's wedding, so we decided to make a trip of it and stay the whole week! I'm so glad we did, because we were able to spend quality time together as a family and our friends got to spend quality time with Jett. We decided to check out Sweethaven Harvest since a cold front blew through and the weather was giving *cozy fall vibes.* In the spring and summer the property operates as Sweethaven Lavender Farm, but during the fall months it's Sweethaven Harvest. It was everything. The pumpkins were next level cute and there are so many little photo ops. I was in heaven lol you should see my camera roll. Lucky for you, I didn't include them all here or you'd be scrolling for days. Anyways, if you're in Williamsburg or are planning a trip this fall you have to check out Sweethaven Harvest and make sure you reserve tickets before! (it's free.)
