5 Reasons to Have a Long Engagement

JT and I have been engaged for almost a year now, we have been taking it realll slow to say the least, but now we are officially one year out!! I'm so thankful we chose to do a long (2 year) engagement, especially since this May totally flew up on us.
Post engagement is filled with tons of emotions, mostly excitement but sometimes it can be a bit stressful and overwhelming. The second you get engaged everyone wants to know all of the details as if you were supposed to have planned everything BEFORE getting engaged. In my case I knew WHEN I wanted to get married, but I was completely clueless about everything else. The one thing that comforted me after getting engaged was that I had almost two years to figure everything out. Unlike most people I wasn't in a rush to tie the knot. JT and I lived together already so I didn't think much would change if we decided to get married sooner. Here are 5 reasons I'm happy we are taking our time.
1. It gives you time to process everything before diving into wedding planning. When JT and I first got engaged, I knew it was coming, and I was SO READY. But after my mind started running like crazy. Its not that I was having doubts about wanting to marry him, it was just... were we ready?! I mean we had lived together for 2 years, it seemed like the logical next step, but was I ready to be MARRIED? In a way that scared me, I dont feel mature enough to be married yet lol.
2. Why rush? We know we are going to get married, so let's just take our time. At first I wanted to get married the following year (May 2018) but after getting engaged in June 2017 I felt like I was going to be rushed and I HATE being rushed. I know I know, its totally possible to plan a wedding in less than a year, but I decided to push it back a year. (May was a must, so there wasnt any other choice.)
3. You get to enjoy being engaged. It's so fun being engaged! At first you feel a lot of pressure because everyone wants to know every detail. Also, it took me a while before "fiance" really stuck lol I cant imagine if I was accidentally calling him my boyfriend (which I still do sometimes) right before getting married.
4. You wont have to stress about your favorite vendors being booked already. I knew I wanted to get married in the beginning of May, that was the most important thing to me. I felt like I had unlimited options when choosing a venue because I had over a year and a half and that definitely reduced a lot of stress.
5. You will have plenty of time to plan engagement, bridal and bachelorette parties. Having to squeeze in all of the parties before the wedding can be stressful and very overwhelming your bridesmaids/groomsmen. I think it is nice to give everyone plenty of time to ask off work and make time for you.
If you are looking for a photographer I definitely recommend Finding Light Photography (she travels!) Chelsea is amazing and made us feel so comfortable during our engagement session. She definitely knows what she's doing and her editing skills are incredible! Just take a look at her Instagram, I meannnn *insert 1 million heart eye emojis*
I cannot wait for her to shoot our wedding next May!!